Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm back from my trip to San Diego. Thank you so much for your prayers. My sister-in-law is home from the hospital but still has a bit of kidney pain. She was away from her family in the hospital for about 10 days! How sad! But she is doing better.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Off to S.D.

I am off to San Diego to help my sister-in-law out with her children. She has come down with a kidney-infection, not to mention that she is still recovering from her c-section on July 15th. So, I'll be traveling with Mati to S.D. to help take care of the family.

Would you please pray for everyone there? That my sister-in-law would heal quickly. That my brother would be strong. And pray for Reagan and my mom that they would be alright together and not wear each other out.

Erik is off to a staff retreat for work. So, if you would please lift us all up, I would appreciate it.

Quick Thank You!

I just want to thank all the ladies of my book club for throwing me a baby book shower. It was so wonderful and touching. I got some of those great childhood favorites and I am thrilled to read them with my girls and with our future son.

I love you ladies so much. I am always refreshed and energized when I go to book club.

God has brought together a terrific bunch of ladies who love books and conversation. I feel like I have bosom buddies. Or what did Anne of Green Gables call it? Kindred spirits? I can't remember right now. Oh well.

Love you all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More Stories from Kindergarten

Reagan is having a bit of an adjustment period at kindergarten. It's understandable since I am a stay-at-home mom; she's never been away from me like this. She's never had to pay attention or sit still for so long and for so many days in a row. She came home last week with several notes about her behavior-from the weird to the normal 5 year old things.

But I think today took the prize. Today when I picked Reagan up from school, the teacher told me that she is having a very hard time sitting still. During story time she got so tired that she decided to do yoga. Her teacher said she was doing a little upward facing dog pose. Well, we do yoga a lot here in the Wilhelmsen house, so that I could understand. I very calmly told Reagan, "Honey, we don't do yoga during story time." And then the teacher said that during Board-instruction time Reagan was so restless that she put her legs out. As the teacher turned around she tripped over Reagan's outstretched legs. Thankfully the teacher did not fall on Reagan, but she was pretty annoyed that she tripped over a child.

So, Reagan is not all the excited about school. I keep praying that this is just a phase and that she'll get used to it. I think she enjoys it once she's there, but I do hope these behavioral things clear up as she acclimates to the school day. At least I hope the tripping of teachers is over.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kindergarten Pick-Up

I have a kindergartner. My Reagan has turned 5 and has entered the world of higher learning. I am so mixed about it. I can not believe how fast the time flew. I guess I thought she would stay 4 forever! I went through all the emotions. From I still have so much to teach her to she's not old enough to do without naps. But the truth is, she is ready. And I can trust God that He will protect her and give me wisdom about her education.

Story Time! I have now entered into the realm of school pick-ups. And let me tell you, ick. Did you know that you can sweat in a parked car while your air conditioning is going full-blast? And did you know that even if you get to the school early enough to not be the last mom to pick up their kinder kid, you will still have to wait in an atrociously long and ridiculously slow line to leave the parking lot? Did I mention that you can sweat in a running, air conditioned car?

So today in the student pick-up line, a woman behind me asked me when I was due. I said October. She said, "Wow! You're so big! I'm due in September." And I said, "Well, look how tall you are! I'm 5'2"." The amazon woman had to have been about 6'3". I'm not kidding. She's as tall as Erik. It turns out I'm only due like two weeks after her. But whatever. Height matters. And you know what, she had chubby ankles. Of course, I have chubby arms. So I guess we're even.

But yeah, kindergarten pick-up! Thankfully I wasn't the last mom to pick up their little darling today (like I was yesterday...). But I have got to figure out a better strategy for getting out of that parking lot faster. And avoiding other pregnant moms who park in the handicap spots which are convienently located by the street exits.