Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So, I've been absent. I'm so sorry. We have been busy.

First off, I went to Texas with Reagan so she could be a flower girls in my cousin's wedding. It was great. She was beautiful. And we have a wonderful time together, just the two of us, with a bunch of my family.

Then we got back and I had to take Jack and Mati to the Gastrointerologist. Jack & Mati both suffer from constipation. I know, gross. But it's been kind of a big deal. Anyways, Jack now has to be on the special formula that will cost us our mortgage payment to feed him. And Mati, well, she'll just stay on Miralax. For the rest of her life.

Okay, maybe I'm being a tad dramatic.

In any case, it's been an interesting couple of weeks for us. I'm trying to feed the kids better, perhaps there is an aversion to gluten (something they are being tested for) or the milk protein. I don't know if I hope there is an allergy so there is something I can fix. Or if I'm hoping there isn't an allergy so I don't have to flip our diets inside out.

So, just wanted to tell you that yes, I'm here. And I still have a bunch I want to talk about.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Did DHS pressure teen to get abortion?

I'm appalled that this is something that our tax dollars go to fund.

The money quote: "Abortions are a little-known aspect of DHS's oversight of children in its custody."

Sickened. And the one person who wanted to stand up for this child was fired from her job! She is a child advocate and she was fired because she refused to take the child for a late-term abortion.
