I am addicted to sweets. I love them. I know that I am not supposed to love inanimate objects, but I do. Recently it has been of the sweet-salty variety. You know, chocolate covered pretzels and yogurt covered pretzels.
I find myself picking up a bag wherever I am. Like Trader Joe's on Monday. I just had to have a bag of chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels. Seriously. I mean not even the price tag could turn me away. Have you ever had those? Oh my. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself.
And then today, while at Sprouts, I picked up some yogurt covered pretzels. Seriously, they're all gone. However, I did share them with my girls. So, I'm not a total pig.
If you told me that I would lose 5 pounds a week from giving up sweets, I might not do it. Is that sad or what? Anyways, that's me. And no, I'm not about to go all psycho and give up sugar,
like some girls I know. I don't know how or why you do it. And you know that I love Jesus and thankfully I have not felt the call on my life to give up sweets.
There are few things that leave me so satisfied as a nice treat. Anyhoo, I felt like confessing. Well, it might not be confessing since I don't intend to change. It's kind of like letting you in on my inner sanctum.