Monday, June 28, 2010


Jack Jack is going to be a big brother! Yep, that's right. The Erik's are expecting another Little Willy.

I can imagine you have a ton of questions. I will attempt to anticipate your questions.

1. Yes, I do know how "this" happens.
2. No, I did not drink the "water" nor will I "stay away from it".
3. Also, while we are excited, no this was not "planned".

This has taken us all by surprise. Originally I was on the four-kids wagon, but there was no real peace. I kept thinking I needed to do it. And then I realized that I was trying to control the size of my family rather than trusting God. I finally got to a place where I trusted God with the size. God was telling me to give up the four-kids thing. We were done having kids.

But, oh, no, I must have misunderstood the Lord. He was asking me to trust him. Not that He wasn't going to bless us with more children.

Four pregnancy tests later, and I'm pretty convinced that I'm pregnant, due mid-to late February.

And yes, we will be done after this. I know it may not be a good idea to make that decision while pregnant, but honestly, I think four is going to do it for us.


Mitchell and Amy Schultz said...

congratulations!!! You know that old addage about God never giving you more than you can handle...Good for you guys, God is good.

Andrea said...

While surprising, it is still very exciting and nothing is better than listening to you tell the story (especially while I was drinking wine.) So happy for you!!

Erin said...

WOW!! Yeah! You and Leanne are due right around the same time! Super fun.

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

omg!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! I can't believe it was just a month ago that we were talking about you guys probably being done. God has a way of bringing about His plan, doesn't he.

I'm so excited for you, Erik and the kids!!!

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Very soon, my friend, strangers at the grocery store will ask in shock, "Are they all yours?"

Can't wait to (hopefully) join you on the crazy train someday!

Patti Durham said...

I have to say that I'm THRILLED!!!! I'm so happy and excited for you guys:o)

Mrs. Miller said...

SSSOOO Happy for you!!!!! How fun to have a set of girls and a set of boys!!! Love what you said about resting in the Lord. He certainly has His own plans for our lives. :-)

chandy said...

Have people really asked you those questions?!?

I know I already cheered for you in person, but congratulations again! I hope you are feeling better!

D.L. White said...

Okay, so I'm a little late to the party here (which just proves to me, yet again, that I REALLY need to stay caught up with my blog reading) but...


And, not that I can relate specfically to your three annoying questions, but I must say, people most certainly do NOT think before opening their mouths when it comes to the topic of reproduction. I've had some pretty interesting comments/questions in my time... Good for you that you can laugh at it. :-)