Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Word of the Day: Disideratum

The word of the day is desideratum which means something desired or considered necessary.

I have several desiderata (oh yeah! It's a two-for-one post! Desiderata is the plural of desideratum.) right now. First, I can't wait to be able to wear my wedding ring. I have missed it. I haven't been able to wear it comfortably since summer.

I am desiring having my body to myself. I realize that is a completely selfish and self-centered desideratum, but I just can't get over it. The weight gain I hate. The feeling of Declan moving inside is cool, but as this is my fourth, I'm kind of over it. And he kicks at my gall bladder which REALLY hurts. Also, I am a horrible snorer while pregnant, so I'm sure that the oh-so-accommodating Erik is desiring this baby out of me.

Another desideratum I have is to get moving on this adventure of being a mom of four. I'm nervous and the only remedy for that is to just get moving! Well, really the only remedy is to pray for God to take away my anxiety and preoccupation. But I'm also praying that he will move this week along...

My c-section is scheduled for 2/15. Would you please pray for me and the baby? Your prayers are another desideratum!


chandy said...

That's a very pretty word... reminds me of that poem that was very popular on posters about the time we were in high school.

I'm happy to pray for you my friend! I know you will do great! Is there anything else I can do for you? I should have brought you my shower stool! I used it after both of my surgeries and it was lovely :) Enjoy every moment of your very last pregnancy!

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Your friendship is my disideratum. (did I use that in context...?)

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

I'm praying for you as life prepares to take another twist next week! So excited to see pictures and get a peak at your fourth (I'm sure) adorable child!

Mrs. Miller said...

You're going to be an amazing mother of four!

Andrea said...

I just read your blog...finally...and am SO excited for a word of the day! When you get the mom of four thing down, you'll have to post more. :)

D.L. White said...

I always love learning new words, and this one was definitely new to me. From one word nerd to another - thank you! :) (P.S. Since I'm so late in posting to this, I hope this now finds you comfortable and happy in being a mom of 4, and that all your anxieties have been put to rest.)