After eight glorious years of marriage, I have finally learned something about my dear husband, the wonderful Erik.
He does not like to be set up on blind dates with other husbands.
You know. When you and another girl get on so well that you think, well, of course, we should double date. Of course, since me and girlfriend get along, husbands will quickly hit it off too. They are bound to become boosom buddies, fantasy football pals, confidants, accountability partners. (Okay, maybe the last two are a stretch...)
In any case, I make friends just a smidge faster than the wonderful Erik. He's friendly, just more reserved initially. So, recently I have approached him about making a new couple-aquaintance. He's basically asked me to interview the husband through the girlfriend a couple more times before going out on a double. I think that's a pretty good idea. I'm pretty sure he's put up with plenty of awkward moments for my sake. The least I can do is try to make sure there will be a love connection when we do finally get the husbands together.

You can certainly consider yourself lucky to have so many prospects for new friendships that you have to pre-screen them first! Not everyone is so blessed...
Does this man have a social resume? I mean this stage in life, men need to know that they have more in common than pure anatomy. Does he like sports? Is he into gaming? Have kids? Daughters, even??? I can see it now...
Finding new friends is so hard, especially couple friends because there's the added pressure of EVERYone getting along. I always related finding other mommy-friends to dating. "I gave her my number...why hasn't she called? Did I seem desperate? Was my kid being a brat? Should I invite her to Bunco? To lunch? To the park? To my house?" It's such a quirky little game, I've decided.
Now I am 100% convinced Erik and Uberman would get along and I am totally excited for them to meet in December a la couples bunco!
Jess, we should totally come up with a set of interview questions for wives in the same situation. We could market it and sell it on a website. We would be rich!
I'd buy it since my hubby is the same! :)
It seems I have the opposite problem... my husband makes friends easier than me, and I always seem to have troubles "clicking" with the guy's wife. Finding couples friends where everyone gets along is really hard... so I feel blessed and thankful for the friends we do have, where we all get along. Doesn't it seem like it was easier to make friends when we were younger in school? I was so surprised to find out it got harder the older I got...
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