Accordingly, we were invited to Ryan's 5th Birthday party. And Oh My Goodness. Seriously, it was fun. What a great party. And since Katie had planned everything out so well it went off without a hitch.
But I would be remiss if I didn't give her a smidgen of a hard time. Most of us who have been friends with Katie for longer than six months know that she's crazy about her photos. This party was no exception. She attempted several shots of the 30 3-5 year olds. Group shots. Of preschoolers. A better friend would have helped get all the attentions. But no, I just watched. And then, my favorite part, we sang "Happy Birthday" twice. So she could get the right shot. And the shot was good. She did get it. :) Her camera did not fail her!
The cupcakes were awesome. My three-year old refers to them as the "Camping Cupcakes" because they had marshmallows on them. Like I said, everything went off without a hitch.
I was only wondering one thing-what does she have planned for Ryan's 16th Birthday? Is she already planning it?

For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn? Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
I've been reading Katie's blog as she's been prepping for the party and then how it went after. I am taking tips for when Garrett is old enough to have a friend party! Don't be a hater :) lol. Just ask her to plan Reagan's!
Is there any situation in life for which you can't find an appropriate Austen quote? :)
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