Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Book List for 2012

Hello!  Remember me?  I know, it's been so long.  Well, here I am.  I've been thinking about books.  I read this post from the Money Saving Mom today about her reading schedule and it kind of inspired me.  Not that it takes much, anyone with a plan is encouraging for me.  I lack direction, can you tell?

2011 was kind of rough on me.  I had our fourth baby and my reading has suffered!  At book club a couple of months ago I realized that I had read maybe one of the assigned books!  ONE!  How pathetic!!!  I did do other reading, like I read all of The Hunger Games, and a bunch of homeschooling books, but of all the fantastic books my club chose I'm pretty sure I only read one of them!  Well, not so with 2012!  I'm reading all of them, by golly!

And then I thought to myself that I'm also going to shoot for one non-fiction book a month along with my book club book.  All of this in addition to the reading the girls and I will be doing for school.

I'm on a break right now from school.  It was much needed but it occurred to me today after reading the above linked post that I should schedule out our school reading like I do my own reading.  So, I'm going to follow the reading list for Ambleside Online and actually schedule out the chapters.  Oh, I'm so ambitious.  I'm sure I'll settle somewhere in mediocrity... Skeptical, aren't I?

I'm afraid that reading is the most important thing in our lives right now.  Keeping Reagan progressing in reading, teaching Mati to read and then my own development through reading.  I spend way too much time on my iPhone (Damn you, Words with Friends!).  I'm definitely going to work on that.

Right now I'm reading this book from Charlotte Mason's Educational Series Volume 5: Formation of Character.  It's 800 pages long.  It is interesting but I kind of need it to move along or I need to be a better reader cause I am fading fast with this one.

I'm also reading the January book of the month The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.  Fiction will always win over non-fiction, I'm afraid.

So, I'm already covering my personal goal, one non-fiction along with my book of the month from book club.

There is also this really cool contest on this site I just discovered, Reading with Tequila.  What a fun idea!  To read as many books as possible and score medals!  I love prizes, even if they are only bragging rights.  I'm considering joining it but it could be too much.  What do you think?


chandy said...

Hey! I remember you! I've been tossing around the idea of picking The Hobbit for March. Have you read that one before? I've never read any Tolkien, but I thought this one would be a good one to try since it's shorter thatn LOTR. I'm looking forward to some great picks in 2012. I thought some of the books we did this year were a little "eh".

Thanks for linking to that Reading with Tequila blog! I browsed there for a bit and I like it!

Kristi Joy said...

You had me hooked until I realized 'Reading with Tequila' did not actually involve tequila.

I miss your blogging, my friend. Educating your kids is important, I'm sure, but what about educating your faithful readers?

I mean, holy heck, who is this Rick guy that almost won the Iowa caucus?!? And to have lost by 8 votes?!? What does this all mean?!? When should I start paying attention to all the political rhetoric/chatter (because at this point I'm totally tuning it out).
