Hello from Surprise!
Once again the greeting cards are arriving, and I am reminded that I have not followed through on that promise to Erik of sending out Christmas cards. Every year we talk about doing it, and every year I don’t get around to it. Therefore, the reception of the friends’ cards is more of a reminder of what I have failed to do. I hope you will forgive me… J
Anyways, Erik is still working at Christ’s Church of the Valley. He has implemented a new VoIP phone system for the church and it is going so well. (Can you tell I’m proud?)
I am keeping busy with the girls here at home, as well as undertaking a few odd jobs that supply me with some lunch money. But the real passion is my book club, called Lit n’ Lattes. (The lit stands for literature…) I meet with a group of ladies as Barnes & Noble once a month to discuss the current read. I’ve been a part of this group for over a year now and we’ve read a wide range of books, from Pride and Prejudice to On the Beach. It’s been so fun to talk about books with other people who love to read like I do!
Reagan has had a busy year, too. She took a tumbling class where she learned somersaults, and balance and turns. Also, she graduated to the 3 year old class at church where she gets to attend a more formal Sunday-school type program. They have a puppet show and she even memorized a couple of Bible verses, one of them being “Blessed are those who hear God’s word and obey it.” Of course, that is also one of my favorites for her, too…. Something about obeying…. I could really use that verse sinking into her heart, if you know what I mean!
Matilyn, by far, has had the most intense year. She picked up a few bad habits, along with some good ones. Right as she started walking, she also started biting. Yes, that’s right, biting. Especially at the gym. So, we had to sit out of the gym for about a month this year because she kept using her teeth to get her point across. (And, oh, what a strong point she has!) I keep praying that God will use her excessively strong will to His good purpose, and I’m sure He will. However, that was the worst of it. She has an ooey-gooey center, as we like to say, but it’s covered in a tough candy-shell. Kind of like an M & M.
Erik and I have grown tremendously this year as a couple of our favorite family members passed on this year. My grandmother and Erik’s great uncle are both in Heaven now, but it’s been a little sad for us who are left. Also, with our children reaching the important ages of 3 and almost 2 we have had to center ourselves on God’s wisdom.
I sincerely hope that this holiday season is filled with love and the peace that surpasses understanding.
That's a great update! We have some friends that send out a "Happy New Year" newsletter instead of Christmas cards. Maybe that's more your style ;)
I can't wait to hear about your trip! I hope there's a blog coming up soon!
It's good to hear how your year has been. I'm working on a Happy New Year's letter. Thanks for the picture too. You guys are such a cute family.
Jess, I love reading your blog. Your girls are so beautiful. I can remember when Reagan was just born; she enchanted me from early on! Hope all is well with you and your husband. I'd love to visit with you when I'm in town next to see my parents and Heather & Rich.
lovely family..
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