Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's A Boy!

The Wilhelmsen name will live on!


Charissa @ The Stromski's World said...

YEA! I am so happy for you friend. Garrett will be very glad to have a new playmate :)

chandy said...

YAY!!! Congrats mama!

And you thought potty training Mati was hard ;) Just kidding!

Mitchell and Amy Schultz said...

Congratulations...that is so exciting. My family is two girls and the baby is a boy...so much fun in store for you guys.

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

a whole new world awaits! I can't wait to see this little boy! :)

Mrs. Miller said...


"Intentionally Katie" said...

Welcome to the World of Weiners!

CandidaBell said...

That's so crazy that you found out today - I had a dream about you last night - so I had a feeling I would hear some news soon. Congrats! I know how much you both wanted a little boy! Hope you are feeling well!

The Maid said...

YAY! :)

It is a whole new world....and the way you change diapers will never be the same! :)

I have clothes for you if you want them! Shall I bring them to Bunco?

The Maid

D.L. White said...

Congrats!!! :D
P.S. We missed you on Saturday!

Andrea said...

SO excited for you!!!